May Julip "Spares"

For the first time I managed to nab a Julip horse from one of their online "spares" releases.

For those who don't know, Laura at Julip makes up a batch of horses then posts them on the J-Club forum on a Sunday evening. The "spares nights" only happen every few weeks/months, so the horses can go pretty rapidly, with the first person to comment on each photo able to buy the horse.

Or the bunny, fox, cat, dog, dove, pheasant...

This lovely roan Family Horse caught my eye but I couldn't quite decide whether to buy her. I was sure someone else would make the decision for me and buy her first - but no one did - so she was meant to come and live here!

P.S. I love this roan colour but the combination of pale body and dark mane is so tricky to photograph!


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