Sindy & Flock Horse Customs

 I recently painted my first custom horses for several years.  

My mum moved house at the end of last year and gave me a whole lot of forgotten stuff from her loft. Included were these two very sorry looking horses that I guess I bought at car boot sales when I was a kid.

On the left is the Sindy horse. At some point I must have started "customising" it as the mouth is filled in (badly) and its been painted with some weird base colour. On the right is the former flockie horse. I have vague memories of it being white, but I found some brown flock stuck to it so who knows.

I tackled the Sindy horse first. I've never enjoyed sculpting so I decided the mouth would have to do and got sanding and painting. She's now a simple Skewbald mare with a mohair mane and tail. I used some ribbon for the base of the mane and it didn't turn out quite how I hoped, but she definitely looks better than before.


The flockie horse got a little more attention. I used a stanley knife to trim the seams and sculpted new eyes from Das modelling clay. I tried to use the clay to smooth out some other areas (are those ribs or gills?) with limited success, then attempted a dapple grey paintjob. I've only painted one dapple grey before and was never very pleased with it.

This little guy is a long way from perfect, but I'm actually so pleased with him! He's nicer than my last dapple grey attempt and I think he turned out pretty. I mixed black and white mohair for his mane and tail using smaller hanks than the Sindy horse, which improved things. 

They're not necessarily nice sculpts or anything fancy but I enjoyed painting them and think they make a sweet pair.


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