Hulland Live 2016

When I started showing (and expanding!) my Julip collection back in 2014, two friends from J-Club were kind enough to invite me to travel with them. I've been to quite a few shows with Jan and Elli since and we always have a great time, chatting all the way there and totally enabling each other at the sales tables. This April we held our own show for the first time in Derbyshire, the Hulland Julip Live!

Running a show proved very busy but also good fun. I'd spent the week before lambing (which you can read about on my vet school blog if you're interested) so I was worried I'd just be exhausted - luckily the excitement of seeing the Julip crowd and playing ponies for the day definitely overcame my tiredness. Trying to take my fair share of adding up points and announcing classes meant I didn't have much time for photos but I did manage to get a few of my favourite setups. You might recognise some from other show posts - I can never get enough of Charlotte's Konik ponies or Georgie's tack room.

There were lots of generous donations for the raffle, the proceeds from which went to a local animal shelter.

Massive thank yous to everyone who came along and made it such a lovely day. It was great to see old friends and meet some new people too, including newcomers to the hobby. My mum and boyfriend both dropped in too for their first model horse show experience - I don't think Tom found it too traumatic, but my mum was getting really into it, telling me I needed more riders and some grass bases and getting people to explain how they'd made things. Those of us who could stay had dinner in a local pub (with an ostrich outside) which was a great end to the gathering and we may just have still been there at closing time.


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