Julip Photography

Several of my Julips were lacking proper photos, so I took them up to my mum's garden in the evening sunshine for a photoshoot.


Shuckstone - I hadn't realised how out of control his tail was, he's since been thoroughly groomed!

With Pebbles the matching rabbit:

I thought I'd lost Pebbles in the rocks, hence her name! I also like it because it fits well with Shuckstone, who she matches :)

Murph and his matching rabbit friend (the matching bunnies were complete coincidence, seeing as they were competition prizes rather than ones I picked out to compliment my ponies):


A few more shots because she is just so pretty:

I love how her two-tone tail matches up to her dorsal stripe!

I have had a lovely weekend watching geeky films and finishing it off by sorting through my horse photos, hope everyone else has had an equally relaxing time! Thanks for reading :)


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