Julip Live 2014
Last month I went to my first ever live show, run by Laura and her husband who run Julip Horses. I finally met people I've "known" online for something like 11 years which was a wonderful experience! Before going I was a little worried it would be strange to meet them in real life, but it wasn't at all - it was such a fun day and I'm so pleased to have seen some old friends and made some new ones.
I got a bit carried away playing with the latex ponies and didn't take so many photos, but here are some of the horses and scenes I got shots of. I also judged quite a few classes - luckily Julip judging turns out to be very laid back and people can cope with "what colour rosette would suit this horse" coming into my choice of placings - which I really enjoyed!
First photo is a special one... the palomino is Goldie, my portrait of a pony who taught me a lot and helped me get over lots of beginner fears. The chestnut is a portrait of Bob, belonging to Elli. Bob and Goldie lived next door to one another for years and were good friends, so it was nice to reunite their miniature selves!
Hope you enjoyed the photos, thank you to everyone involved in the Julip show for such a lovely and memorable day! I'll definitely be going to more in the future.
I got a bit carried away playing with the latex ponies and didn't take so many photos, but here are some of the horses and scenes I got shots of. I also judged quite a few classes - luckily Julip judging turns out to be very laid back and people can cope with "what colour rosette would suit this horse" coming into my choice of placings - which I really enjoyed!
First photo is a special one... the palomino is Goldie, my portrait of a pony who taught me a lot and helped me get over lots of beginner fears. The chestnut is a portrait of Bob, belonging to Elli. Bob and Goldie lived next door to one another for years and were good friends, so it was nice to reunite their miniature selves!
A beautiful custom Arab Champion:
And this lovely mare - I need one in this colour!
Elli's stunning show purchase - who she HAD to buy because I couldn't, given that I was trying to add new moulds my my collection and I already have an AC...
My first live show table!! I was so excited, haha.
Four beauitiful horses, even if one of them is mine:
I really looked forwards to the pairs class - Bo is in slightly more than a pair if you look at the feet:
Josie and my new dappley skewbalds:
Georgie and my ponies:
A slightly silly entry of two Bumble bunnies in buckets by Georgie and me... Bumble was my pet houserabbit and we nabbed the two rabbits who looked most like her. It seems really nice to have a Bumble from the first batch of rabbits because so many Julip collectors "knew" her from photos and have remembered her!
Georgie's ringwraith horse:
The winners - all very pretty models, including Jan's repainted dapple grey, Josie's "Well Dun" and a wonderful old TB I'd admired and placed in classes earlier. (No slight to the Fjord but I'm not sure who he belongs to - Georgie or Stacey maybe?)
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