First attempt at pastels and re-hairing, plus halters

This summer I finally tried my hand at pastel customising. I picked out an old Grand Champions body which had been under my bed for a long time, sprayed him with basecoat and started with this tutorial, although I made him a palomino rather than chestnut coloured: I made some big mistakes - not realising how obvious flaws in the base coat would be through pastels, splattering sealant and stripping patches off in the process, but I'm really pleased with him anyway.

He's also my first attempt at re-hairing. I used another tutorial here: . I think I've left him with a bit too much mane and not enough tail, but he looks pretty enough on the shelf and that's all he really needs to live up to. I also painted his eyes in brown, black and gloss which I'd not done before and am really pleased with the result.

He also got a headcollar, because I finally got some of the little metal fittings from UH to use with my stash of grosgrain ribbon.

Irish Diamond (who still needs a proper name of his own) got one too, and because the bigger scale is so much easier his is properly adjustable too.

I just started painting a MBH body that'd been in the box a comparable amount of time to the GC one above. Hopefully he'll be done by Christmas.


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